the polls showing that the majority population blames the House
of Representative and the faction of the Tea Party Republicans for
the government shutdown, there are others who are pointing the
finger to the documents that founded this nation as to blame for. To
begin with I hope the particular tone of this article, from the blog,
Think Progress, does not reach any major news media outlets as to
render it as "news worthy" material. If it does, I will be
more than happy to literally throw
the "book of ignorance"at them.
the article titled Don't Like the Shutdown? Blame The Constitution, a
blogger by the name of Ian Millhiser from Think Progress published a
piece on September 30, 2013. The article argues how the Constitution provided the means to cause the
shutdown. Providing that we should look to other countries,
like Canada, for thier wisdom and knowledge on preventing future government shutdowns; we should emulate a parliamentary system in place of our current democracy. He goes on to describe
that Canada faced a budget crisis, much like the US, and was able to
resolve the crisis by holding an election in order to resolve the
impending doom that was at Canada's doorstep. Based on their
"Parliamentary Democracy", the chief executive (president)
can be efficiently replaced by the parliament based on a election to equalize disputes and arguments. Faced with a
budget crisis, the president can be voted out by congress so that a
deadlock can be averted to allow life to go on. One might argue that
this would be a very good way of solving future issues in the US.
Once faced with a crisis, congress can throw their weight around and
put someone in control to favor their argument over the president
House of Representative, which are controlled by the Republicans,
would not pass the fiscal year budget without first coming to an agreement between the senate and the President to defund the ACA (the
Affordable Care Act / "Obamacare"). With the Senate and
President not willing to cave in to the republicans side of the vote,
a dead lock occurred and the spending budget was not passed once
October 1st hit, causing the impending government shutdown.
the US is established by a sitting president that exercises a
"Presidential Democracy". In the Constitution, it is set in
stone that elected officials will have 2, 4, or 6 year terms. 2 year
terms for the House for each state, 4 year terms for the president,
and 6 year terms for the senators from each state. These terms are
set forth in the Constitution, so that there can be an equal power
shift from the state representation to the national (big government)
representation of the country. Looking back at history, the balance
of powers had flaws generated in the Articles of Confederation. The
Federalist and Anti-Federalist took part in argument as to what was
best for the problems they were facing after the Revolutionary War.
They sure as hell did not want to go back to a parliamentary system
where one side has more power then the other. A better constructed
argument for this article could have been based on the process and
need for an amendment to be put in place of blaming the Constitution
as whole for the latest government shutdown.
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